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This page documents form launch URLs and other APIs of forms4health. Note: in any given deployment not all of these APIs will be availble or directly accessible. Likewise depending on the security model many of these APIs will require authentication and/or will be unavailable.

Load URL Structure


Single Pass Forms

Route: GET /{tenantId}/SinglePass/{formKey}/{formVersion}
Description: Loads a SinglePass form for the associated tenant
Example: /{tenantId}/SinglePass/dental-smile-assessment/1

Single Pass Forms - versionless URL

Typically used to provide a link that will be stable over a long time period. This link might be shared on email, SMS or be embedded in a website or used on a poster / QR code.

Route: GET /{tenantId}/SinglePass/{formKey}
Description: forms4health will (if available) launch the highest version form that has a Production publication status. For instance if there is a version 2 form in a status of Production and a version 3 form in a status of Development forms4health will serve the version 2 form. As soon as the version 3 form's status is changed to Production it will be served via the versionless URL.
Example: /{tenantId}/SinglePass/dental-smile-assessment

This feature is useful to allow forms to be upversioned without having to resend communications or change website links - i.e. allows the deploying organisation to make changes that are not externally disruptive.

Form Template APIs

The following APIs are used by a wrapping application to dynamically decide which forms are available for use by users (with the correct permissions) and to provide complete structural and layout infomation of the a particular form template.

Discover what non-persisted style form templates are available (published)

Route: GET /{tenantId}/SinglePass/AvailableFormsDescription: Returns a list of forms that are marked as production Example: /TEST01/SinglePass/AvailableForms


            "name": "FGD Symptom Evaluation",
            "key": "fgd-symptom-evaluation",
            "versions": [
            "name": "Patient Dental Smile Assessment",
            "key": "dental-smile-assessment",
            "versions": [

Discover what persisted form style templates are available (latest version and published)

Route: GET /api/clinicianforms/availableForms (Requires authentication) Description: Returns a list of forms limited to the latest creatable version that are marked as production (by default)


            "key": "vte",
            "title": "VTE Risk Assessment",
            "classification": "Observation"
            "key": "eolc",
            "title": "End of Life Care Plan",
            "classification": "Plans"

Discover what persisted form style templates are available (published)

Route: GET /api/clinicianforms/allAvailableFormsDescription: Returns a list of forms that are marked as production (by default)


            "key": "eolc",
            "versionNumber": 2,
            "formTitle": "End of life care",
            "allowAmend": false,
            "classification": "Uncategorised",
            "allowSaveDraft": true,
            "autoSaveIntervalSeconds": 30,
            "allowDiscard": false,
            "allowRevoke": true
            "key": "eolc",
            "versionNumber": 1,
            "formTitle": "End of life care",
            "allowAmend": false,
            "classification": "Uncategorised",
            "allowSaveDraft": true,
            "autoSaveIntervalSeconds": 30,
            "allowDiscard": false,
            "allowRevoke": true

Get details about a form template

Route: GET /api/v2.0/tenant/{tenantKey}/formdefinition/{formKey}/{formVersion}
Description: Returns a JSON based representation of the entire form.
Example: /api/v2.0/tenant/demo/formdefinition/bmi-reporting/1


    "key": "bmi-reporting",
    "version": 1,
    "title": "BMI Reporting",
    "allowAmend": false,
    "classification": "Uncategorised",
    "allowSaveDraft": true,
    "autoSaveInteval": 30,
    "allowDiscard": false,
    "allowRevoke": false,
    "buildingBlocks": [
            "key": "reporting-bmi",
            "version": 1,
            "xPath": "ReportingBmi",
            "sections": [
                    "id": "Section_weight_and_Height",
                    "xPath": "Section_weight_and_Height",
                    "controls": [
                            "id": "Unit_type",
                            "xPath": "Unit_type",
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "label": "Unit type",
                            "hint": "",
                            "couldHaveValue": true,
                            "couldHaveMultipleValues": false,
                            "displayNameXPath": "@displayName",
                            "otherValueXPath": null
                            "id": "Height_meters",
                            "xPath": "Height_meters",
                            "dataType": "decimal",
                            "label": "Height (m)",
                            "hint": "Height in meters - e.g. 1.81",
                            "couldHaveValue": true,
                            "couldHaveMultipleValues": false,
                            "displayNameXPath": null,
                            "otherValueXPath": null
                            "id": "Height_feet",
                            "xPath": "Height_feet",
                            "dataType": "decimal",
                            "label": "Height (feet)",
                            "hint": "e.g. 5",
                            "couldHaveValue": true,
                            "couldHaveMultipleValues": false,
                            "displayNameXPath": null,
                            "otherValueXPath": null
                            "id": "Height_inches",
                            "xPath": "Height_inches",
                            "dataType": "decimal",
                            "label": "Height (inches)",
                            "hint": "e.g. 11 or 11.25",
                            "couldHaveValue": true,
                            "couldHaveMultipleValues": false,
                            "displayNameXPath": null,
                            "otherValueXPath": null
                            "id": "Weight_kg",
                            "xPath": "Weight_kg",
                            "dataType": "decimal",
                            "label": "Weight (kg)",
                            "hint": "",
                            "couldHaveValue": true,
                            "couldHaveMultipleValues": false,
                            "displayNameXPath": null,
                            "otherValueXPath": null
                            "id": "Weight_pounds",
                            "xPath": "Weight_pounds",
                            "dataType": "decimal",
                            "label": "Weight (pounds)",
                            "hint": "",
                            "couldHaveValue": true,
                            "couldHaveMultipleValues": false,
                            "displayNameXPath": null,
                            "otherValueXPath": null
                    "repeats": []
                    "id": "Section_BMI",
                    "xPath": "Section_BMI",
                    "controls": [
                            "id": "BMI",
                            "xPath": "BMI",
                            "dataType": "decimal",
                            "label": "BMI",
                            "hint": "",
                            "couldHaveValue": true,
                            "couldHaveMultipleValues": false,
                            "displayNameXPath": null,
                            "otherValueXPath": null
                            "id": "Weight_appropriate",
                            "xPath": "Weight_appropriate",
                            "dataType": "string",
                            "label": "Weight appropriate",
                            "hint": "",
                            "couldHaveValue": true,
                            "couldHaveMultipleValues": false,
                            "displayNameXPath": null,
                            "otherValueXPath": null
                    "repeats": []

Get details about the Un-persisted data format (when used in conjunction with a Delivery Channel)

Route: GET /api/v2.0/tenant/{tenantKey}/formschema/{formKey}/{version}
Description: Returns an auto generated XML Schema showing the structure of data that would be sent via the un-persisted forms delivery channel
Example: /api/v2.0/tenant/demo/formschema/form-invite/1


<xsd:schema xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <xsd:simpleType name="xf-decimal">
                <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                    <xsd:length value="0" />
                <xsd:restriction base="xsd:decimal" />
    <xsd:simpleType name="xf-integer">
                <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                    <xsd:length value="0" />
                <xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer" />
    <xsd:element name="PatientForm">
                <xsd:element name="GenericFormInviteLauncherPreamble">
                        <xsd:sequence minOccurs="0">
                            <xsd:element name="InvitePreamble">
                                        <xsd:element name="Preamble" type="xsd:string" />
                        <xsd:attribute name="templateId" type="xsd:string" use="optional" />
            <xsd:attribute name="token" type="xsd:string" use="optional" />
            <xsd:attribute name="transaction-id" type="xsd:string" use="optional" />

Form Instance APIs

These APIs are only applicable for forms4health deployments with associated persistence.

Get form instances by instance identifiers

Route: GET /api/patientforms?instanceGuid={instanceGuid} (Requires authentication) Permission: ListPatientForms
Description: Returns a list of all forms with the given instance identifiers
Example: /api/patientforms?instanceGuid=816eb663-cc1f-478d-8efe-5c068ec434f2&instanceGuid=ba63eed3-5901-4cb0-a48a-955eab32abcf


            "instanceGuid": "816eb663-cc1f-478d-8efe-5c068ec434f2",
            "title": "End of Life Care Plan",
            "createDateTimeUtc": "2020-01-09T16:41:34.813",
            "lastModifiedDateTimeUtc": "2020-01-09T16:41:34.813",
            "status": "Draft",
            "isAmendable": true,
            "key": "eolc",
            "version": 1
            "instanceGuid": "ba63eed3-5901-4cb0-a48a-955eab32abcf",
            "title": "BMI Reporting",
            "createDateTimeUtc": "2019-12-02T11:22:12.6",
            "lastModifiedDateTimeUtc": "2019-12-02T11:22:32.297",
            "status": "Complete",
            "isAmendable": false,
            "key": "bmi-reporting",
            "version": 1

Get form instances for a given patient

Route: GET /api/patientforms/{patientId} (Requires authentication) Permission: ListPatientForms
Description: Returns a list of all forms associated with the patientId
Example: /api/patientforms/488edeAB-5e8F-4e50-9137-24e377cf9436


        "instanceGuid": "816eb663-cc1f-478d-8efe-5c068ec434f2",
        "title": "End of Life Care Plan",
        "createDateTimeUtc": "2020-01-09T16:41:34.813",
        "lastModifiedDateTimeUtc": "2020-01-09T16:41:34.813",
        "status": "Draft",
        "isAmendable": true,
        "key": "eolc",
        "version": 1
        "instanceGuid": "ba63eed3-5901-4cb0-a48a-955eab32abcf",
        "title": "BMI Reporting",
        "createDateTimeUtc": "2019-12-02T11:22:12.6",
        "lastModifiedDateTimeUtc": "2019-12-02T11:22:32.297",
        "status": "Complete",
        "isAmendable": false,
        "key": "bmi-reporting",
        "version": 1

From 5.15.0 you can now use the following filters sent as query params:*

  • pageSize along with pageNumber
  • correlationId

History of a particular form instance

Route: GET /api/patientforms/{patientId}/history/{instanceGuid} (Requires authentication) Permission: Create
Description: Retrieves the history of an instance.

Example response

    "compositeInstanceHistory": [
            "instanceGuid": "aa18b928-a4d5-4634-8d03-cc3a2b3a7543",
            "instanceVersionGuid": "aa18b928-a4d5-4634-8d03-cc3a2b3a7543",
            "createdByUserIdentifier": "4",
            "createdDateTimeUtc": "2023-05-22T15:39:39.2878379",
            "status": "New",
            "isEditMilestone": true,
            "isCompleted": false,
            "isDeleted": false,
            "deletedByUserIdentifier": null,
            "deletedDateTimeUtc": null,
            "key": "bmi-reporting",
            "version": 1,
            "viewLink": "/patient/117536d8-9ef2-49d2-Ae9e-f5afb330c78f/instance/aa18b928-a4d5-4634-8d03-cc3a2b3a7543/version/aa18b928-a4d5-4634-8d03-cc3a2b3a7543/view"
            "instanceGuid": "aa18b928-a4d5-4634-8d03-cc3a2b3a7543",
            "instanceVersionGuid": "6ee55219-1e63-4f4f-83da-7e8077820c3d",
            "createdByUserIdentifier": "4",
            "createdDateTimeUtc": "2023-05-22T15:39:45.3373301",
            "status": "Complete",
            "isEditMilestone": false,
            "isCompleted": true,
            "isDeleted": false,
            "deletedByUserIdentifier": null,
            "deletedDateTimeUtc": null,
            "key": "bmi-reporting",
            "version": 1,
            "viewLink": "/patient/117536d8-9ef2-49d2-Ae9e-f5afb330c78f/instance/aa18b928-a4d5-4634-8d03-cc3a2b3a7543/version/6ee55219-1e63-4f4f-83da-7e8077820c3d/view"
            "instanceGuid": "aa18b928-a4d5-4634-8d03-cc3a2b3a7543",
            "instanceVersionGuid": "62932da8-8d40-4e1a-9bc6-68240263107d",
            "createdByUserIdentifier": "10",
            "createdDateTimeUtc": "2023-05-22T15:39:52.867569",
            "status": "Draft",
            "isEditMilestone": true,
            "isCompleted": false,
            "isDeleted": false,
            "deletedByUserIdentifier": null,
            "deletedDateTimeUtc": null,
            "key": "bmi-reporting",
            "version": 1,
            "viewLink": "/patient/117536d8-9ef2-49d2-Ae9e-f5afb330c78f/instance/aa18b928-a4d5-4634-8d03-cc3a2b3a7543/version/62932da8-8d40-4e1a-9bc6-68240263107d/view"
            "instanceGuid": "aa18b928-a4d5-4634-8d03-cc3a2b3a7543",
            "instanceVersionGuid": "ec5f403e-5752-44bb-9ca4-d76375d3ef6a",
            "createdByUserIdentifier": "10",
            "createdDateTimeUtc": "2023-05-22T15:40:02.33459",
            "status": "Complete",
            "isEditMilestone": false,
            "isCompleted": true,
            "isDeleted": false,
            "deletedByUserIdentifier": null,
            "deletedDateTimeUtc": null,
            "key": "bmi-reporting",
            "version": 1,
            "viewLink": "/patient/117536d8-9ef2-49d2-Ae9e-f5afb330c78f/instance/aa18b928-a4d5-4634-8d03-cc3a2b3a7543/version/ec5f403e-5752-44bb-9ca4-d76375d3ef6a/view"
    "withdrawalHistory": [
            "instanceGuid": "aa18b928-a4d5-4634-8d03-cc3a2b3a7543",
            "withdrawalStatus": "Withdrawn",
            "reason": "some reason",
            "withdrawnByUserIdentifier": "10",
            "actionTakenDateTime": "2023-05-22T15:40:07.5327879"
            "instanceGuid": "aa18b928-a4d5-4634-8d03-cc3a2b3a7543",
            "withdrawalStatus": "Reinstated",
            "reason": "some reason",
            "withdrawnByUserIdentifier": "4",
            "actionTakenDateTime": "2023-05-22T15:40:11.7514406"

Create form instances for a given patient

Route: POST /api/clinicianforms/create/ (Requires authentication) Permission: Create
Description: Create an instance of a form for a given patient


    "patientIdentifier": "a4847fd9-7da1-49da-b5f4-be278dba0730",
    "instanceIdentifier": "70b9802a-c7d2-420c-bdc1-0a32b6d06c19",
    "formKey": "end-of-life-care",
    "formVersion": 1

Withdraw a form instance

Route: DELETE /api/patientforms/{PatientId}/instance/{InstanceId}/withdraw (Requires authentication) Permission: Withdraw
Description: Marks a form instance and all its instance versions as being withdrawn and therefore removing it from any API responses unless explicitly requested with the query parameter includeWithdrawn=true


    "reason": "Form created against wrong patient by mistake"

Reinstate a form instance

Route: PATCH /api/patientforms/{PatientId}/instance/{InstanceId}/reinstate (Requires authentication) Permission: Reinstate
Description: Marks a form instance and all its instance versions as being reinstated and therefore allowing it to be included in any API responses.


    "reason": "Form withdrawn in error"

Error handling and standard HTTP response codes

HTTP Response Codes are used per standard REST API design. However the most commonly used codes by forms4health are listed below. a Where APIs used a different set or response codes / behaviours these are individually documented with the API

200Success - The operation to load/save a form or call an API succeded. The response payload will be dependent on the URL/API called
400Bad Request - Occurs if the API request payload (or URL parameters) fail validation or are otherwise malformed
403Forbidden - The User does not have the correct permissions (or is not authenticated), and/or the tenantId or formKey/version configuration does not support the requested operation
404Not Found - The requested URL / API does not exist and/or the tenantId and/or patientId does not exist and/or the formKey/formVersion does not exist or is not in a published state
500Internal Server Error - An error has occured on the server
503Service Unavailable - The server might be re-starting or (more likely) a proxy server cannot contact the service