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9.4.1 - Aug 12, 2024

  • (Improvement) Changed the type of file system used in the definition service. This will make any calls that use form definitions substantially faster.
  • (Improvement) Reduced the amount of calls made to the definition service when using the subject forms api's

9.4.0 - Aug 01, 2024

  • (BugFix) Fixed an issue where the release version was no longer been shown in the UI.
  • (BugFix) Fixed an issue where using a building block set to view mode in and edit context was incorrectly getting the displayName attribute applied to the data elements.

9.3.0 - Jul 27, 2024

  • (BugFix) Translations - Fixed an issue with escaping control characters in auto translated text.

9.2.0 - Jun 25, 2024

  • (Improvement) Designer - Add support for tenant based sub domains.
  • (Improvement) Designer - Remove default reference data key/version for lazy/dynamic dropdowns.
  • (Improvement) Extract - Add support for extracting translatable controls
  • (Improvement) Runtime - Rate Limiting has been added to un authenticated routes.

9.1.0 - Jun 07, 2024

  • (Improvement) Designer - Show the currently logged in tenant and environment.

9.0.0 - Jun 04, 2024

  • (IMPORTANT) Removal of the designer saved blocks migration script and remove support for the old store. Ensure a migration has taken place on 8.5.5 before upgrading past this point!

8.5.5 - May 23, 2024

  • (IMPORTANT) This release includes a migration script to migrate blocks saved into the designer to a centralised tenanted location. From 9.0.0 the previous data store will no longer be supported.
  • (Improvement) Adds support for using Client Credentials with AireGlu Endpoints via the AireGlu Deliverer or reference data/server side calculation AireGlu integration points.

8.4.6 - May 16, 2024

  • (Bug fix) Fixed an issue where controls referencing a selection based controls otherValue were not receiving the correct value

8.4.4 - May 6, 2024

  • (Bug fix) Fixed an issue when calling the form history api's

8.4.4 - Apr 29, 2024

  • (Bug fix) Fixed an issue where controls referencing a selection based controls displayName were not receiving the correct value

8.4.3 - Apr 22, 2024

  • (Bug fix) Fix a validation issue when using a data only enabled building block

8.4.0 - Mar 1, 2024

  • (Improvement) We now validate when an optional date control currently holds an invalid value such as 31-Apr-2024.
  • (Improvement) Prompt the user for confirmation when overwriting an existing building block on import.
  • (Bug fix) Fix display issue with forms that have discard and autosave enabled on mobile devices.
  • (Bug fixes) Various bug fixes for the designer

8.3.0 - Mar 1, 2024

  • (Improvement) Sends the form instance creator to the authority check API
  • (Dependency) Forms.Api 4.2.0 - Now passes the creating user identifier to the form instance authority check
  • (Dependency) Forms.Persistence 3.2.0 - CompositeInstanceVersion is now required to return the form instance creator details

8.2.3 - Feb 1, 2024

  • (Improvement) Improve the layout of multiple score elements on smaller screen
  • (Dependency) Updated the plugin libraries to Forms.Api 4.1.0 Forms.Persistence 3.1.0 Forms.Abstractions 1.1.0. This includes a new System user type.
  • (Bug fixes) Various bug fixes for the designer

8.1.8 - Dec 14, 2023

  • (Improvement) A new table structure is used to display building blocks/forms/reference data in the designer
  • (Bug fix) Fix an issue where the previously submitted flag was incorrectly calculated when sending an even to aireflow off the back of the eventbus

8.0.0 - Nov 10, 2023

  • (Breaking change) Forms.Api package is now 4.0.0 - This includes terminology changes and includes user identifier type
  • (New Feature) UserIdentifier type is returned on persisted forms api calls.

7.9.0 - Oct 20, 2023

  • (Improvement) Include instance guid in the form context of persisted forms.

7.8.0 - Oct 10, 2023

  • (Breaking changes) The Forms Persistence package has been updated to 3.0.0 to support form author (see below)
  • (Dependency update) Upgraded React from 17 to 18
  • (Improvement) Initial changes to support recording form author (subject or user). The author type will be exposed in 8.0.0
  • (Improvement) Include instance guid in the form context of persisted forms.
  • (Bug fix) Fix issue where server side calculation control was firing off a request in read view
  • (Bug fix) Fix issue where the templateId attribute was incorrectly been removed from form data

7.7.0 - Sep 25, 2023

  • (Deprecation) We no longer support local logins for the designer environment. All logins must go via Aire Identity
  • (New Feature) Initial support for right to left languages in forms and PDFs
  • (New Feature) Added support to allow auto translations of designer specified text fields and text areas in single pass forms
  • (New Feature) Initial support for publishing events across the AireSuite event bus
  • (Improvement) Changed the styling engine used to allow support for right to left support
  • (Bug Fixes) Fixed numerous issues with image based controls when used within a repeat

7.6.5 - Sep 16, 2023

  • (Bug fix) Fixed an issue where lazy selects were not respecting the data source specified in the designer

7.6.4 - Sep 04, 2023

  • (Bug fix) Fixed an issue where if a select control had an initial value it would not correctly create a displayName attribute

7.6.3 - Aug 15, 2023

  • (Bug fix) Rolled back a piece of the designer performance improvements as it was causing issues in live

7.6.2 - Aug 14, 2023

  • (Bug fix) Fixed some styling issues on the launch and pod pages due to the control library upgrade

7.6.1 - Aug 14, 2023

  • (Bug fix) Fixed an issue where an upgrade to our health check library was creating too many connections to postgres in the operational service

7.6.0 - Aug 14, 2023

  • (New Feature) Ability to rollback a building block in the designer to the last imported version
  • (Improvement) Improved the visual feedback on the lazy select control when used in conjunction with the Load initial reference data feature
  • (Improvement) Improved the loading time when creating/editing a form
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue where images were been stored in the form definition multiple times (The block will need resaving in the designer for the change to take effect)
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue where omit from submission did not work if the control was in a repeat
  • (Dependency update) Upgraded our mui control library from v4 to v5
  • (Dependency update) Upgraded System.Data.SqlClient to Microsoft.Data.SqlClient. You may receive certificate errors which can be resolved by setting TrustServerCertificate=true on the connection string or by using certificates correctly

7.5.0 - Jul 20, 2023

  • (New Feature) New partial date control.
  • (New Feature) New client side message form-keep-alive which is triggered every 5 minutes if there has been user interaction with the form
  • (Improvement) The building block designer now includes first class support for column spans.
  • (Improvement) Single pass forms can now include a custom submission error message.
  • (Improvement) Persisted forms now contain a new optional value - depending on persistence implementation - of internal-previously-submitted

7.4.1 - Jul 05, 2023

  • (Bug Fix) Add health checks to ingress helm chart

7.4.0 - Jun 30, 2023

  • (New Feature) Support moving a grid up and down in the building block designer
  • (New Feature) Add translation support for PDF rendering of structured controls (e.g. Selected option in Welsh displayed as translated selected option in English)
  • (New Feature) Ability to view building blocks from the building blocks screen as single pass or clinician facing
  • (New Feature) Translation Support Structured Controls
  • (New Feature) Custom xpath function to return the "other" value nf:other-value()
  • (Improvement) When using the dynamic dropdown control Item/Label/Value XPath should only be shown for source 'Forms4health' in the building block designer
  • (Improvement) Improved handling of failed saves when saving changes to building blocks
  • (Improvement) Operational service improvements regarding database connections
  • (Improvement) Improved language code detection and loading.
  • (Improvement) Forms Persistence plugin update 2.3.1
  • (Bug Fix) Pre-Population now supports the correlationId fallback rule of if a correlationId is not specified the instance guid is used

7.3.3 - Jun 14, 2023

  • Removal of cut/copy/paste feature by keyboard shortcuts in the designer. We will look into re-implementing this at a later date.

7.3.2 - Jun 12, 2023

  • (Bugfix) Improve cut/copy/paste by keyboard shortcuts handling in the designer

7.3.1 - Jun 09, 2023

  • (Improvement) Mute some additional log output

7.3.0 - Jun 06, 2023

  • (New Feature) Introduced the ability to split a grid in the building block designer
  • (New Feature) Added support for copy/cut/paste of controls using native keyboard defaults (Note this has been disabled in 7.3.3 due to unforeseen issues)
  • (New Feature) Enabled support for displaying an HTML response from the server-side calculation
  • (New Feature) Implemented the option to immediately trigger a service-side calculation when desired
  • (Improvement) Added missing security header to further improve security
  • (Improvement) Made further non-highlighted explanatory text styling tweaks for better accessibility
  • (Bug Fix) Resolved the issue where server-side calc values failed to display in PDFs
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed the error that occurred when pressing backspace in an empty lazy select control

7.2.0 - May 24, 2023

  • (New Feature) Added notification when editing reference data with translations, providing visibility and awareness of translation-related changes
  • (Improvement) Refactored the copy value components for design payload and images in the debug tools, enhancing the clarity and usability of the component
  • (Improvement) Removed support for initial value + calculated value on controls that generate images/videos
  • (Improvement) Refined the functionality available via the advanced annotated image control
  • (Bug Fix) Addressed the issue where the AireGlu Providers did not use a versioned endpoint URL

7.1.1 - May 10, 2023

  • (Bug Fix) Resolved the issue where the browser image compression failed to load the script

7.1.0 - May 09, 2023

  • (New Feature) New advanced annotated image control - This control allows drawing and adding text to an image
  • (Improvement) Increased the coverage of our error handling
  • (Bug Fix) Rectified the issue where the clinician forms mobile banner was missing the secondary identifier

7.0.1 - May 30, 2023

  • (Hotfix) Due to NHS Mail dropping basic auth via Exchange we have had to quickly move to using basic auth via SMTP.
  • (Notice) SMTP Basic auth has since been dropped and we can currently not send any emails via nhs mail, we are currently working through DCB159 to be able to send from an approved AireLogic email.

7.0.0 - Apr 25, 2023

  • (Breaking change) Docker containers now run as non-root. This improves security dramatically. But any mounted volumes will require permission changes
  • (Breaking change) Removed support for IE11. IE11 is deprecated, please move to a modern browser such as Microsoft Edge, Chrome or Firefox.

6.5.0 - Apr 20, 2023

  • (New Feature) Introduced first-class support for AireGlu source in the server-side calculation control
  • (Improvement) Enhanced the designer login splash screen when configured to use Aire Identity
  • (Improvement) Expanded framework level translations to include Polish, Romanian, and Slovakian.
  • (Bug Fix) Resolved the issue where forms failed to load in IE11 from version 6.3.0

6.4.1 - Apr 13, 2023

  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue with forms loaded on old iOS and MacOS Safari versions - Technically we don't support Safari 12, however this was a a simple enough change. Please however update your browser!

6.4.0 - Mar 24, 2023

  • (Bug Fix) Resolved the issue where logging in with only a publish role still attempted to redirect users to the building blocks page
  • (Bug Fix) Corrected the incorrect XSD Generation for the Annotation Control

6.3.1 - Mar 09, 2023

  • (Bug Fix) Addressed management OIDC Issues

6.3.0 - Mar 07, 2023

  • (Improvement) Optimized padding on Wizard Navigation Buttons
  • (Bug Fix) Resolved the issue where clicking preview in the form builder resulted in errors

6.2.0 - Feb 23, 2023

  • (New Feature) Added support for reference data source in the designer
  • (New Feature) Added first class support for AireGlu to be a reference data provider
  • (New Feature) Implemented support for default values in certain controls within repeats
  • (Bug Fix) Resolved the issue where clicking a page navigation link in a multi-page clinician form resulted in a 404 error
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed the logging of single pass submission logs, ensuring that it is only triggered upon successful submission
  • (Bug Fix) Its now no longer possible for the user to submit a form when server side calculation requests are still in flight.

6.1.0 - Jan 31, 2023

  • (New Feature) Ability to specify a form context in the form designer
  • (New Feature) Ability to specify alt text for a static image. This is for accessibility support.
  • (New Feature) Added support default values for certain controls in repeats.
  • (Improvement) Additional health checks have been configured
  • (Improvement) The auto key suggestion is now all lower cased
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed issue with mobile view showing too many steps in a wizard form. It was showing 3 steps instead of just the current step.
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a display issue with the repeat delete iteration icon
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue where the Formatted Text Area control's display type was not correctly rehydrated in the new designer.

6.0.0 - Jan 06, 2023

  • (Major Changes) Large schema change included to resolve some timing issues
  • (Major Changes) Many packages up versioned to new major versions including a new JS build toolchain
  • (New Feature) Support write back and git committing in the operational service
  • (New Feature) Lazy select now supports "with other"
  • (Improvement) Improved lazy select error handling
  • (Improvement) Any default values configured in orbeon will be migrated to the 'Initial value' calculation (if an initial value calculation does not exist) when opened in the new designer. This does not include controls in repeats.
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue where the Youtube controls video URL was not rehydrating in the new designer.

5.18.0 - Dec 12, 2022

  • (Improvement) Add basic Welsh translations for the framework
  • (Bug Fix) Resolve display issues of highlighted sections when the section contains no label
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue in the new designer where values were not getting auto generated for the checkbox control choices
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue where marking/un-marking a reference data item as exclusive was not been saved.
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue in the new designer where a combination of custom/non-custom alert messages would generate an invalid building block

5.17.0 - Nov 24, 2022

  • (Major functionality change) Due to issues with large images, images uploaded via the forms and images uploaded into the new designer will automatically be compressed.
  • (Improvement) Reduced storage requirements for annotated images
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue where the date control displayed the incorrect date in the hint when the user is in a negative UTC timezone
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue in the new designer where static images were not getting rehydrated
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue in the new designer where the use default alert checkbox for constraints was not correctly rehydrated.
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue in the new designer where if you added a help message to a control and then removed it, in the runtime it would still have an empty help message
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an xpath validation issue in the new designer when using casts

5.16.0 - Oct 11, 2022

  • (Improvement) Various improvements to the new building block designer
  • (Improvement) Further accessibility improvements to the forms

5.15.1 - Sep 29, 2022

  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue where links in explanatory text and other form controls were not opening in a new tab

5.15.0 - Sep 07, 2022

  • (New Feature) A new building block designer has been released. The old Orbeon designer is still available via the "Legacy Designer" button if you run into any issues (Documentation will be updated in time!)
  • (New Feature) Ability to refresh available building blocks when designing a form
  • (New Feature) Add paging support to the Patient Forms Api
  • (New Feature) Add filtering by correlationId on the Patient Forms Api
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue where form based extracts (v1 extracts) using max results was returning more results than expected
  • (Improvement) Improvements to accessibility of the forms have been made

5.14.0 - Sep 05, 2022

  • (New Feature) Added support for pre-population based on correlationId. This can be enabled via the pre-population settings in the form designer. When enabled pre-population will only populate from existing data saved against the provided correlationId
  • (New Feature) Ability to export/import building block definitions from building block list
  • (Improvement) Ability to mark reference data items as exclusive or configure a stop condition in the reference data page

5.13.0 - Jul 22, 2022

  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue where reference data would allow a whitespace label
  • (Improvement) Support sending the form title to the notification plugin
  • (Improvement) When adding a new reference data item on the reference data page, it now suggests a default value based on the entered label

5.12.1 - May 27, 2022

  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue when changing a building blocks relevance rule back to always display from custom in the form designer

5.12.0 - May 24, 2022

  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a validation issue in the form designer when using an instance based XPath instance('bb-a')/$control
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue where you were unable to add new rows to itemsets in orbeon
  • (Improvement) Improve available heading space in PDF

5.11.0 - March 08, 2022

  • (New Feature) Google sheet single pass delivery channel

5.10.2 - March 02, 2022

  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue where forms4health could not mark a token as used in AireToken

5.10.1 - March 01, 2022

  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue where the Annotated Image Upload control would not display the image the user had uploaded when no annotations were made.
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue where hint text was not been displayed for controls inside a single iteration repeat on small screen devices
  • (Improvement) Numeric controls will now always display the full keyboard on mobile devices, this is due to certain mobile numeric keyboards not providing the user with a minus sign
  • (Improvement) Extract definition API now correctly returns a 404 if the requested form or building block does not exist.

5.10.0 - March 01, 2022

  • (New Feature) Extract API V2
  • (New Feature) Extract definition API
  • (New Feature) When requesting a PDF the banner can be removed by supplying hideBanner=true as a query param
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue where uploaded images that were then rotated ended up not been compressed correctly according to the control settings.
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue with the server side calc control losing its settings in the building block designer
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue with resetting a users password in the designer.
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue with the Scribble control displaying - even though the control has a value in form read view
  • (Bug Fix) Prevent an issue where multiple versions of a form could be created if the submit button was clicked multiple times
  • (Improvement) The building block designer now allows you to use the round function overload that allows you to specify the number of decimal places
  • (Improvement) Numeric controls will now always display the numeric keyboard allowing users to use a decimal place
  • (Improvement) Improve rendering performance when editing large sets of reference data
  • (Improvement) Schema generation improvements

5.9.1 - January 17, 2022

  • Resolved and issue where Decimal control does not use keyboard with decimal point on iOS

5.9.0 - January 17, 2022

  • Improve form designer UI to move delivery status and classification to be always viewable
  • Add operational service including health checks and configuration APIs
  • Added ability to synchronise multiple form definitions
  • Added ability to associate a tenant against a form definition directory
  • Updated automated XSD API to manage controls that are marked as being omitted from the submission
  • Resolved cross building block XPath validation in the form designer
  • Optimised the bundle size
  • Removed redundant usage of System.Drawing.Common
  • Added tests to validate behavior for duplicate reference data codes
  • Improved display of slider control on IE11
  • Improved usability of annotated image control when Enter key is pressed
  • Improved image size handling in view/read mode
  • Relax validation of form key length validation to support longer form names
  • Improved read view of annotated image if there is no data, just shows a dash
  • Improved validation of required text fields with whitespace

5.8.1 - December 6, 2021

  • Added ability to return pdf as base64 json object via API

5.8.0 - November 8, 2021

  • Improved logging for Aire Glu delivery channel
  • Resolved Issue with Date Time control in read view with date time offset
  • Added support for multiple form definition directories
  • Pass organisational context to APIs for form and building block definitions
  • Improved operational logging and alerting
  • Added support for correlationId on Wizard forms
  • Added support for correlationId on Business (clinician) forms
  • Improved validation for form builder
  • Add support for form level logo overrides (rather than using the organisation specified logo)
  • Added support for SVG logos
  • Resolved UI to hide pre-population rule on building blocks when form is set to single pass
  • Added Aire Flow delivery channel for Wizard forms
  • Improved accessibility of RichTextAccordion control

5.7.6 - October 18, 2021

  • Resolved issue where dateTime control was rendering incorrectly in read view

5.7.4 - October 01, 2021

  • Resolved issue for picture/upload control when image fidelity not set

5.7.2 - September 22, 2021

  • Resolved issue in new management UI when creating new reference data class
  • Removed UI buttons to up version forms that are not the latest form version

5.7.1 - September 14, 2021

  • Removed custom rule validation that was blocking valid forms from being saved

5.7.0 - September 09, 2021

  • Improved the UX for on the form builder to make the Save and exit action clearer and to highlight unsaved changes
  • Added tolerance for whitespace in the reference data item validation
  • Resolved issue with long rules (XPaths) on building blocks custom relevance in the form designer - now uses a textarea to make it more readable
  • Updated definition provider interfaces to support multi-tenancy
  • Improved performance by load reference data asynchronously
  • Removed old management screens
  • Improved UI when there are more than three actions on a specific building block within the build block management page
  • Added support for serving static files (logos etc) in a multi-tenant context
  • Added multi-tenancy support for lazy serving of reference data
  • Added support for Aire Glu tenant affinity
  • Changed Load/Save form definition actions to be async to improve performance
  • Added discard warnings when navigating away from edit screens (Reference data and forms)

5.6.6 - September 03, 2021

  • Resolved issue with PDF Generation where an explanatory text or calculated value references a rich text control with unclosed br tags

5.6.5 - September 01, 2021

  • Resolved issue with PDF Generation stripping out data enclosed in angled brackets

5.6.4 - August 19, 2021

  • Resolved issue with instance creation for a given patient in a multi-tenanted environment

5.6.3 - August 17, 2021

  • Resolved extract API issue for multiple building blocks

5.6.2 - August 02, 2021

  • Resolved defect on extract API for null values
  • Improved file conflict handling for the gitcron container in read only mode

5.6.1 - July 30, 2021

  • Resolved an issue where the demo user was not able to access the list of available forms

5.6.0 - July 30, 2021

  • Enabled new management screens
  • Improved the extract API to return every data item in the building-block or form
  • Added a new form definition API (to support testing and other use-cases)
  • Added timezone localisation support for PDF generation time
  • Improved form definition API, for instance to add information to identify controls that store base64string (images)
  • Improved create method API to make it idempotent when being called multiple times with the same identifier by an external system
  • Resolved numeric validation issue on Safari where numeric field was stripped from the data but passed validation
  • Fixed an issue when creating an instance of a form without providing a form version when the latest version is withdrawn
  • Resolved an issue where IE11 can submit values with a trailing '.' for an integer field

5.5.0 - July 14, 2021

  • Improved Aire Glu integration to allow Aire Glu staging endpoints to be called
  • Improved health check endpoint to allow for deep checks (database, filesystem etc.)

5.4.0 - July 7, 2021

  • Added new POD (form) launcher and configuration
  • Incudes POD launcher re-direct post form submission
  • And POD form inactivity timeout / re-direct
  • Ability to pass base64encoded form context to single pass forms
  • For rich text form fields we have replaced draft-js with react quill to support digital dictation from iOS devices
  • Resolved confusing chevron use in Master Child repeats
  • Removal of unsafe-eval CSP in forms runtime
  • Removed our use of the xpathparser raw and use parsescript from fontoxpath
  • Updated the form to XSD generator to support controls that store xml as their data
  • Added support for configurable frame ancestors policy per deployment
  • Added hook to display submission error on recaptcha failure
  • Added missing support for XPath axis handling
  • Resolved bug where rich text defined via the xf:output control in a Master Child header was incorrectly rendering
  • Resolved the issue where a user presses back in their browser they are navigated away from the form

5.3.0 - May 11, 2021

  • Improved submitted data sanitisation
  • Extended the use of cache-control headers to all resources (not just APIs and index page)
  • Extended Aire Flow integration to share information from submitted wizard forms
  • Resolved inconsistent font-size in PDF footers
  • Improved logging to show which implementation is loaded from the plugin resolver
  • Resolved AA compliance issue with sub text on the validation popup
  • Improved performance on the Slow patient forms apis
  • Migrated from nlogs.config xml file to the appsettings provider
  • Resolved IE 11 issue with fonto XML
  • Resolved issue where the The languageCode param sent to ResourceInstance should be escaped
  • Fixed logo position alignment and header for GDS Themed forms
  • Exclude withdrawn form data from rule based building-block pre-population
  • Fixed issue where schema api gave incorrect order for multi-line repeat elements
  • Resolved issue where you could not collapse/expand iterations in repeat with summary controls
  • Fixed PDF rendering for half complete ordered or unordered lists

5.2.1 - Apr 23, 2021

  • Resolved reCAPCHA issue due to Google domain name change and forms4health's content security policy.

5.2.0 - Apr 14, 2021

  • Added support for PDF subheading (e.g. to add organisation address details)
  • Added support for a logo in the footer for PDFs
  • PDF style improvements (font size, colours etc.)
  • Improved support of building block read mode
  • Resolved issue where ordered lists were rendering as unordered lists in PDFs
  • Resolved autofill issue in the building-block designer
  • Improved error handling upon discard action

5.1.1 - Apr 07, 2021

  • Resolved issue with wizard form data rehydration if no prior data exists

5.1.0 - Mar 30, 2021

  • Added support for displaying the delivery channel response message without providing a redirect url
  • Refined form definition cloner to only show forms in target
  • Resolved IE11 bug in the annotated image upload control
  • Fixed error logging for an unauthenticated user on the management screens
  • Improved cross building block Xpath unit test coverage
  • Resolved minor sticky footer issue for certain screen resolutions on wizard layout

5.0.4 - Mar 23, 2021

  • Resolved issue viewing forms in IE11 that use the instance function

5.0.3 - Mar 22, 2021

  • Resolved issue connecting to the old NHS Mail exchange

5.0.2 - Mar 19, 2021

  • Resolved issue with demo environment settings
  • Fixed error when PDF template has a style of "none"

5.0.1 - Mar 19, 2021

  • Improvements to PDF layout including explanatory text highlights and page breaks and banner overflows with long names and references
  • Fixed read views issue with empty (no data) scribble control
  • Fixed SQL Server 2016 driver issue as a result of OS upgrade

5.0.0 - Mar 3, 2021

  • Support multiple email addressed on email delivery channels
  • Improvements to the styling on the toggle visibility of field value for the xf:secret control
  • Improved the edit checks on clinician form template status
  • Performance monitoring instrumentation improvements around plugins
  • Added ability to withdraw form instances (soft delete)
  • Improved authorisation checks on APIs

4.30.2 - Mar 03, 2021

  • Resolved issue where the patient forms API is only returning newly created forms

4.30.1 - Feb 18, 2021

  • Resolved issue when launching a test version of a form fails to generate a PDF on submission

4.30.0 - Feb 11, 2021

  • Added support for building-block data rehydration for wizard style forms
  • Plugin loader now supports loading from multiple assemblies
  • Added support for the xf:secret control
  • Added support for hashing literal values from an XPath - aligned with the XForms spec digest() function
  • Support OAuth2 Machine-Machine authorization flow in Aire Flow plugin
  • Added instance organisation id to all form events
  • Added ServerBusyException to the exchange email retry policy
  • Retire/Improve any redundant features in the filesystem definition provider
  • Fixed issue where designer included non relevant attributes on controls if you update any detail in the control settings
  • Resolved an issue where the Include in External Notifications doesn't have a default value
  • Resolved issue where long button text does not wrap on mobile
  • Fixed issue in org config - FormUrl success url seems to only work when the link includes "http://". It is now more accepting.
  • Added the day month year attributes back into split date for backwards compatibility
  • Resolved issue where form title covers organisation logo in mobile [Safari]

4.29.0 - Jan 21, 2021

  • Improved channel settings resolver to resolve multiple rules (xpaths)
  • Fixed locale issue on CUIFormatters
  • Added the CUI format dateTime function
  • Improved CUI Date/Time functions to support empty values to aid with XPath simplification
  • Expose new fields in form designer to provide a key and version to the server side calc control
  • Flip XSD custom types order to more specific and then more generic to aid with code generation
  • XSD schema gen should use xsd data types rather than xforms data types if the RequiredXPath is true()
  • Reduced logging levels for transformation service
  • Added Auto redirect if there is a post submission redirect and no delivery channel response to display
  • Reduced error logging for ReCAPCHA failures
  • Ability to mark a form as "requires token"
  • Update the forms4health footer link
  • Wizard view on small screen should show the organisation name if no logo is available.

4.28.7 - Dec 21, 2020

  • Added org code and token (if present) to the form context for SinglePass forms

4.28.6 - Dec 21, 2020

  • Resolved defect in PatientForms History API

4.28.4 - Dec 15, 2020

  • Further support of malformed HTML/
    tag processing in PDF generation

4.28.3 - Dec 14, 2020

  • Created new XPath function (date-add) for date addition

4.28.2 - Dec 03, 2020

  • Performance improvements to retrieve form metadata
  • Resolved API issue where only one instance of form meta-data was being returned

4.28.1 - Dec 01, 2020

  • Resolved PDF generation issue with malformed

4.28.0 - Nov 25, 2020

  • Transiently send the organisation code as a query param on the AireGlu deliverer.
  • Pluggable workflow integration
  • Image select styling improvements
  • Ability to mark a yes/no or select to be highlighted in the pdf gen based on the selected answer.
  • Resolved issue where API endpoint /patientforms/api/latest was not returning the expected number of forms
  • Resolved spurious help icon location in repeat layout

4.27.2 - Nov 23, 2020

  • Resolved error when calling a singlepass form for an org where there is no org level tokenisation service override.

4.27.1 - Nov 16, 2020

  • Fixed issue where explanatory test was not showing in PDF if hidden from the edit view
  • Changed an API query method from GET to POST to align with .NET Framework built expectations around body content.

4.27.0 - Nov 11, 2020

  • Pass multiple form key/versions to retrieve metadata for multiple forms
  • Store customer defined form metadata in a form definition
  • Post submission success messages - e.g. to show information returned from an integrated system
  • Allow form definition cloner to only show forms not already present the destination directory
  • Create a helper xpath function (nf:multi-select-values) which users can use to test a multi select contains a value
  • Fixed issue with data debug page refresh
  • Added support for extracting repeating data
  • Fixed bug where Initial value on explanatory text does not show on the form
  • Fixed issue where help text was not appearing on iOS12
  • Resolved issue where calculated explanatory text fields were not displaying on PDF output
  • Filter preview form from the allAvailableForms API
  • Added support for 'nillable' in the XSD schema generation API

4.26.0 - Oct 10, 2020

  • Added support to store an organisation id as part of the form instance data
  • Propagate Creator Organisation Id to Plugins
  • Extend extract APIs to support extract form data for any data types
  • Delete/Expire data stored via the tokenised review
  • Allow all forms to be fetched in ExternalApi (i.e. both wizard style and integrated)
  • Create versionless single pass forms route to make it easier to manage URL links as forms are upgraded
  • Added more meta-date (Created By, Modified By) to PatientForms API response
  • Remove extraneous features from the designer that are implemented in a different way (character counter and html support for labels)
  • Support design time control of image size and compression
  • Update to Mobx 6
  • Add axios-retry for form submissions were network is unstable
  • Improved submission error message
  • Manage ResizeObserver loop completed with undelivered notifications console errors
  • Improved master child summary heading style

4.25.3 - Sep 28, 2020

  • Handle chunk loading error more gracefully
  • Stop logging ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded errors.

4.25.2 - Sep 24, 2020

  • Stale URLs pointing to deprecated or withdrawn single pass forms redirect to latest production version if available

4.25.1 - Sep 22, 2020

  • Added a "do not reply to this email" message on eConsultation submissions to emphasise unattended mailbox
  • Fixed issue with delivery channel overrides duplicating organisation configuration

4.25.0 - Sep 8, 2020

  • Added support for dynamic / patient specific treatment plan workflow (storing/retrieval of specific instance data)
  • Improved performance of form data extract API (reduced times building-block definition is retrieved)
  • Add a create route that doesn't require an instance id (can now be delegated to persistence layer)
  • Moved DB Patching to a flyway DB container
  • Updated fonto to fix performance regressions
  • Removed legacy logo retriever
  • Added display type to lazy drop down control
  • Refactored full with buttons to be a display type rather than separate control
  • Improved AA contrast compliance for highlighted sections
  • Resolved issue on Safari where a control did not appear in correct column
  • Improved XSD generation for image controls
  • Improved built in date validation to respect local time / timezones
  • Fixed bug where lazy dropdowns don't repopulate correctly on edited forms
  • Resolved reference data nodeset ordering consistency across different browsers

4.24.0 - July 27, 2020

  • Specify minimum delivery status at an environment level such that forms at and above that status can be used
  • Ability to set form context values in a composite form via configuration
  • Compact mode for image selector
  • Generic Data Lookup
  • Add debounce to lazy buttons
  • Character counter style improvements
  • GDS Section highlight style consistency improvements
  • Fixed issue with Scribble control "nib" size
  • Resolved lazy loading related screen jumping issues
  • Improved validation to prevent empty required fields in a repeat being submitted
  • Resolved issue where end line of boxes in single select/multi select are missing

4.23.0 - June 05, 2020

  • Added Aire Glu delivery channel
  • Added a new form status to best support testing path to live for forms (UAT etc.)
  • Allow explanatory text to be set via calculations
  • Added matches() XPath function
  • Improved the email address validation algorithm
  • Improved end to end diagnostic log tracing
  • Upgraded fonto library
  • Fixed defect in security policy for video control
  • Load performance improvements tweaks
  • Improved in control validation for text area fields

4.22.0 - May 20, 2020

  • Added configurable accessibility and privacy notice footer links
  • Add a screen reader prompt once the form has loaded
  • Added screen reader prompts on "page" change for Wizard layout
  • Fixed issue with instance validation on field focus
  • Improved Wizard layout TAB order
  • Resolved issue where label text linked to "boolean buttons" not linked for screen readers
  • Improved Explanatory text hyperlink contrast ratio on GDS theme
  • Improve focus state highlighting on navigation buttons for GDS theme

4.21.0 - May 15, 2020

  • Update form compiler to pick correct resource based on language
  • Update form definition request to pass the browser language so the compiler can use it
  • Added "With other" translation
  • Added "Missing or incorrect value" translation
  • Support multiple languages for form name
  • General Wizard UI text translations
  • Ability to generate pdf labels in the requested language (if the language resource exists)
  • Add internationalisation support for the split date control
  • Need to add internationalisation support for Liquid templates in Delivery Channels
  • Fixed issue when wizard footer was not always at the bottom of the page (IE)
  • Performance improvements for Barcode scanner
  • Add a favicon to the solution

4.20.0 - Apr 27, 2020

  • Added support for external site links in pdfs
  • Resolved logo / text bleed issues on pdfs
  • When in mobile view and a logo is configured. Only show the logo, otherwise only show the text
  • Allow specifying classification order on form launcher
  • Add a 'not applicable/no preference' checkbox to optional slider inputs and remove 'reset' button
  • Allow specifying a "Call to action" form in the Organisation admin screen
  • Added support for Wizard style forms to be able to call the form context api
  • Fixed cosmetic issue where Wizard footer was not always at the bottom of the page
  • Resolved font issue where bold explanatory text does not show as bold in the wizard view
  • Can select options when close confirmation is open

4.19.2 - Apr 15, 2020

  • Improve client side message if the user uses a token that is invalid (missing or been used)

4.19.1 - Apr 07, 2020

  • Potential to serve static resources via CDN for optimised load times.
  • Reducing logging for production deployments.

4.19.0 - Apr 02, 2020

  • Added reCAPTCHA capability
  • New admin UI for - user management
  • Now shows Organisation name on the org admin screen.
  • Add ability to select previous steps in the step menu of the wizard view.
  • Resolved issue where rich text control does not mark itself as visited on blur.

4.18.1 - Mar 20, 2020

  • Resolved issue where Axios statusText can sometimes be an empty string.

4.18.0 - Mar 18, 2020

  • Allow extract data and reports API to accept a list of subject (e.g. patient) ids to filter the data
  • Add form definition overrides
  • Migrate all form definitions to common tree structure with meta-data attributes
  • Sanitize itemset displayNames retrieved from integrated reference data services
  • Styling improvements to the form launcher page
  • Improved styling for Rich text accordion control
  • Improved wizard form banner view and navigation (especially for large forms)
  • Allow hide of subject banner in edit mode
  • Support custom email subject line for email delivery channel
  • Resolved hiding of Repeat/Master-Child in edit view
  • Ensure up-versioned forms are set to a status of 'Development'

4.17.0 - Feb 27, 2020

  • Updating plugins to allow passing through dictionary of data into form-context
  • XSD Generation API that provides a dynamically generated schema of the form data
  • Replace ReactLoadable with lazy from react to improve performance
  • JWT bearer support for runtime
  • Audit improvements
  • Update to latest .Net Core SDK 3.1.2
  • Fixed issue with Explanatory text highlighting not working in read view
  • Resolved issue where miss-configured delivery channel did not raise error notification

4.16.1 - Feb 11, 2020

  • Customisable & Dynamic File Attachment Name
  • Resolved issue where the uploaded image in the annotated image upload control can disappear when the screen is resized.
  • Fixed issue with static images in read view
  • Resolved bind errors for control child wildcard elements eg. $ControlName/*
  • Merged in performance improvements from 4.14.x release

4.14.4 - Feb 10, 2020

  • Resolving performance issue in IE11 when adding/deleting rows on repeats in large forms

4.14.2 - Feb 06, 2020

  • Resolving performance issues since the introduction of JSS
  • Sections with no controls (or all controls hidden) are no longer rendered

4.15.1 - Jan 20, 2020

  • Fixed bug in re-direct on submission

4.15.0 - Jan 14, 2020

  • Display a more relevant watermark for a when generating a PDF for a deleted form instance
  • Allow specifying a rule (XPath to data item) as the value for a delivery channel setting - e.g. to pull out an email address from a form.
  • Refactoring SPA into separate packages
  • Add the ability to override the default delivery address on a per form basis on the org admin screen
  • Improving the error messages for non-operable forms (missing/not published or not allowed)
  • Improvements to the manage users screen
  • Fixing issue with Annotated image in a repeat

4.14.1 - Jan 02, 2020

  • Slider control shows the "pin" even when no value is selected.
  • H1, H2 and U elements do not show in the read view of rich-text controls
  • Read view not displaying the first tab of a particular form

4.13.2 - Nov 25, 2019

  • Improved CSS for digital reception tool

4.13.1 - Nov 21, 2019

  • Fix for improved style checkboxes and radio buttons to manage wrapped text hanging indent
  • Radio buttons + check box spacing too large on clinician facing forms layout
  • Scribble control text in buttons seems to sink
  • Very long single words can overflow their container in the read view
  • Default stop condition text is not displayed instead "null" is displayed
  • Rich text select in the GDS theme has the wrong selected item colour
  • Scribble control allows you to undo past the edit stack which causes an error
  • Wizard layout - Improvements to Next and Previous buttons

4.13.1 - Nov 21, 2019

  • Fix for improved style checkboxes and radio buttons to manage wrapped text hanging indent
  • Radio buttons + check box spacing too large on clinician facing forms layout
  • Scribble control text in buttons seems to sink
  • Very long single words can overflow their container in the read view
  • Default stop condition text is not displayed instead "null" is displayed
  • Rich text select in the GDS theme has the wrong selected item colour
  • Scribble control allows you to undo past the edit stack which causes an error
  • Wizard layout - Improvements to Next and Previous buttons

4.12.2 - Oct 23, 2019

  • Resolving rece condition between auto save and submit

4.12.1 - Oct 21, 2019

  • New control variation - rich text select as accordion
  • Fixed an issue where a split date controls value was updated via a calculation, the control was not updated.
  • Fixed an issue where a select controls value was updated via a calculation, the displayName value was not updated.
  • Fixed an issue where the stop condition dialog was not been displayed on boolean buttons with a stop condition on 'No'.
  • Improved rich text select styling
  • Improved master-child styling
  • Accordion click area is only the header label

4.11.0 - Oct 01, 2019

  • Tokenisation service - Get instance data API - now supports XML as well as JSON
  • Added support for days-from-date() function
  • Added support for replace() function
  • Image Upload Control should support low-fidelity image by default
  • Suppressed the 'model-only' view option as its not currently supported
  • Resolved issue where sections cross building block skip logic results in errors in read view
  • Fixed minor issue where ampersands in labels are appearing as their escape code & in the edit and read views
  • Fixed minor styling issue for radio buttons without labels
  • Fixed issue where explanatory text highlight drop down in orbeon doesn't apply the style

4.10.0 - Aug 14, 2019

  • Extended delivery channels to support Data + PDF base64 + tokenised keyvalues
  • Improved error handling of miss configured cross-building block rules
  • Improved look and feel for Tile based form launching page
  • Added "success" level message attribute (to compliment default, info, warn and error)
  • Annotated Image Control
  • Improved handling of SMSP integration when a patient is not found
  • Fixed issue with CSV mapper if the form contained a multi-select with no value

4.9.1 - Jul 29, 2019

  • Resolved issue of form not loading when repeat had no default iteration

4.9.0 - Jul 17, 2019

  • Add fax deliverer
  • Tokenisation service - Get instance data API & Create tokenized instance API
  • Free text scribble control
  • Customisable stop condition text per item in itemset
  • Select with description text
  • On form submission navigate client to another page based on data in form
  • Tile based form launching page
  • XPath function to validate NHS number
  • Add an "Age In Years" helper function
  • Migrate from react-tippy to tippy.js-react for the tooltips
  • Unable to preview a building block that contains a cross instance dollar reference
  • Slider control reset highlighting
  • Lazy select does not show options at first

4.8.1 - May 31, 2019

  • Dollar notation resolver is failing when controls have similar names

4.8.0 - May 24, 2019

  • Added new combined date / time control (stored as one combined date time data field)
  • Fixed scaling issue for static images
  • Added stable ids to elements to aid automated testing
  • Added ability to change the text displayed when no items are within the repeated grid
  • Improved XPath error reporting
  • Added support for customer specific pre-population types (e.g. admission)
  • Allow user to add filter groups to reference data through management admin screens
  • Update lazy select to support xpath filtering
  • Extended the User plugin to support customer specific key-value pairs to be passed to the form for the logged in User

4.7.0 - Apr 26, 2019

  • Allowed to use the math XPath functions through the Designer UI
  • Autocomplete and Dynamic Data Dropdown controls search for the string in the value as well as the label
  • Support email body templating following single pass form submission
  • Improved styling for the clinician form read view
  • Add support for only returning the last completed version of a form for read and pdf views
  • PDF Footer now includes data submission date for clinician forms
  • Facility to toggle footer and patient banner visibility in read view

4.6.0 - Mar 25, 2019

  • Autosuggest reference data lookup
  • When sending a test submission for CSV/XML ensure the user knows its test data
  • Server side form loading performance optimisation ($ notation resolver improvements)
  • Add basic UI to allow form designers to specify building block relevance
  • Scroll first error into view
  • Update text on development form warning

4.5.0 - Feb 04, 2019

  • Optimise GetFormForKey in FormRepository
  • Make it clear to service users (and recipients) when SinglePass forms are not flagged as production
  • CSV export support
  • Slider control
  • Surface XPath issues to user in PreviewMode
  • Support allowing plugins to have library dependencies
  • Refactor persistence layer to save building blocks with instance state

4.4.0 - Jan 14, 2019

  • Add option to hide a control from the edit view of a form
  • Make the patient banner optional in clinician forms
  • Support custom (composite) for PDF views - e.g. a view could contain a subset of total available building blocks
  • Improved missing Reference Data behaviour

4.3.0 - Dec 03, 2018

  • Rich Text Control
  • Various minor bug fixes and improvements

4.2.0 - Dec 03, 2018

  • YouTube control
  • Reference data filter
  • Image upload shows the image in the correct rotation and also offers the user a way to correct rotation.

4.1.0 - Oct 05, 2018

  • New multi-select with exclusive options control
  • Master Detail grid control support in single pass

4.0.0 - Sep 04, 2018

  • New patient facing forms runtime
  • New forms image upload control